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Crimean sand artist ‘I’m trying to show the diversity of us’

18 июля 2014 Просмотров - 9 Нет комментариев Опубликовал:

Kseniya Simonova is giving interview to BBC telling about her attetude to art, life, love and war. Official website of Kseniya Simonova www.simonova.tv Official e-mail adress simonovainfo@gmail.com
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Kseniya Simonova is giving interview to BBC telling about her attetude to art, life, love and war. Official website of Kseniya Simonova www.simonova.tvOfficial e-mail adress simonovainfo@gmail.com
[21 мая 2015 | Автор  ]
This is a sand art music video by famous artist Kseniya Simonova created for unique Canadian band Cadence (acapalla singers) and an old song "The Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald".Kseniya Simonova is a world renown sand artist (sand animation artists, drawing with sand), winner of "Ukraine's got talent" first audition, "Eurovision" (2011) finalist (Ukraine), performer, film director.Этот уникальный клип из песка был создан...
[16 Feb 2016 | Автор  ]
Ксения Симонова - самое известное имя в песочной анимации. Победитель первого сезона известного ТВ-шоу "Украина мае талант" (украинская версия "Минуты Славы"), участница "Евровидения" (2011) в Дюссельдорфе, Заслуженный художник Крыма, Заслуженный деятель...
[16 Feb 2016 | Автор  ]
The world-famous sand performance artist Kseniya Simonova was invited by the King of Bhutan, to perform a special story dedicated to His Father. Sand art (sand animation) is called "Gorgeous Bhutan".Песочное шоу знаменитой художницы по песку (песочная анимация, рисование песком) - выступление для Его Величества Короля Бутана Джигме Кхесар...
[16 Feb 2016 | Автор  ]
(по-русски ниже) This sand animation video was created by sand artist Kseniya Simonova as a present for priest Father George (evpatoriya) who she deeply loves and respects, specially for his anniversary. She was inspired by her recent trip to Serbia, thats why used a Serbian song as a background for her video.Песочная анимация на сербскую песню создана Ксенией Симоновой в день...
[12 Nov 2016 | Автор  ]
This sand art film by famous sand artist Kseniya Simonova who won "Ukraine's Got Talent" is devoted to the memory of the heart, it is a tribute to the heroes whi defended us in the WWII, who gave us opportunity to live. we will never forget them!Новая песочная история известной художницы, чье творчество посвящено памяти Великой Войны. Сегодня память сердца...
[14 мая 2017 | Автор  ]
"Japanese adventures " of Kseniya SimonovaKseniya performed in Japan for the third time , and again the performance of the Crimean artist had a social theme. As promised, she returned to Tokyo with the continuation of her sand- story "Life Always Wins, dedicated to the memory of the tragedy of March 11, 2011 . But if at her last visit Kseniya showed drama, shortbread recreate the terrible events of Fukushima , this time - as promised...
[21 мая 2015 | Автор  ]
Мастер песочной анимации Ксения Симонова привезла в Загребсвой знаменитый «реквием из песка – «Ты Всегда Рядом». 8-минутная история в жанре песочной анимации рассказывает о драме Великой Отечественной, о Победе и любви. Её знают во всем мире – от...
[12 мая 2016 | Автор  ]
"Japanese adventures " of Kseniya SimonovaKseniya performed in Japan for the third time , and again the performance of the Crimean artist had a social theme. As promised, she returned to Tokyo with the continuation of her sand- story "Life Always Wins, dedicated to the memory of the tragedy of March 11, 2011 . But if at her last visit Kseniya showed drama, shortbread recreate the terrible events of Fukushima , this time - as promised...
[24 Apr 2015 | Автор  ]
(по-русски ниже) This sand animation tribute was inspired by really beautiful song by Portugese singer Salvador Sobral, winner of Eurovision Song Contest-2017. The sand story was created by winner of "Ukraine's Got Talent" Kseniya Simonova and is devoted to beauties of Portugal and particulary Lissabon, the native city of Sobral. In the end of the video artist creates the portrait of Salvador in sand. We hope you will smile. This version...
[23 мая 2017 | Автор  ]
Kseniya Simonova revived the Middle AgesHonored Artist of Ukraine Kseniya Simonova presents a new sand story " Gezlev", dedicated to one of the most important periods in the history of her native town - Evpatoriya .- This story has become the embodiment of the medieval period of Gezlev - so in the period of the Crimean Khanate was called Evpatoriya . Our city is more than two and a half thousand years old, the centuries have embraced the...
[31 Oct 2013 | Автор  ]
Performance for Ukraine at Eurovision Song Contest in Dusseldorf with Ukrainian singer Mika Newton. May 2011, Germany. Sand art live performance by Kseniya Simonova. Ukraine took 4th place in the final.
[6 мая 2014 | Автор  ]
Short version for an animation "Save polar bear!" by sand artist and "Ukraine's Got Talent~" Kseniya Simonova. Drawing with snow for WWF.В преддверии зимних Праздников станем немного добрее...Рисование снегом для WWF - спасти белого медведя.#wwf #polarbear #newyear #christmas #snow #sandanimation #kseniyasimonova
[23 Dec 2016 | Автор  ]
(по-русски ниже) This sand animation film was created specifically for the 70th anniversary of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill by sand animation master, Honoured Artist of Crimea, Honored Artist of Ukraine Kseniya Simonova (winner of "Ukraine's Got talent"). 7-minute animation tells the story of childhood and the parents of the Patriarch, his current surving as a Head of the Russian Orthodox Church.The disc with the film was presented to...
[21 Nov 2016 | Автор  ]
(English below) Песочная художница из Крыма Ксения Симонова создала фильм-поздравление для всех мужчин ко Дню Защитника Отечества. Сюжет фильма эклектичен -- он не очерчивает конкретную эпоху, а даёт зрителю возможность задуматься о главном: о том, что каждый...
[22 Feb 2017 | Автор  ]
This sand animation story devoted to Serbia tells about its history, dramas and fantastic love of life which is inside each Serbian. I created it after my trip to Serbia, when I truly fell in love with it. Live, Serbia! Эта песочная история рассказывает о жизни великой страны, свято хранящей свою веру, чтущую отцов и способной радоваться и петь...
[15 Dec 2016 | Автор  ]
(English below!) этот 2-минутный песочный ролик должен вернуть Вас в детство! C Наступающим Днем Знаний дорогих ребят и их родителей, и конечно - наших любимых Учителей! Давно хотела снять нечто подобное и наконец смогла! Вдохновилась песней детства. Надеюсь,...
[1 Sep 2017 | Автор  ]
(по-русски ниже) This is a new version of Kseniya Simonova's famous "Requiem of Sand" which made her famous and became internet phenomennon.Новая версия песочной истории, принесшей мировую известность ее автору, Ксении Симоновой. С этой работой Симонова победила в известном талант шоу "В Украине сть таланты",...
[9 мая 2017 | Автор  ]
The Ukrainian sand Artist Kseniya Simonova created a sand film devoted to all men of the world. "Devoted to our beloved defenders", - she writes with sand in the beginning.The storyboard of the Film is more allegorical than exact, it doesn't show strictly some epoch, but gives an opportunity to the audience to think of something more important. For example, about the fact that a day of a real man is full of altruism and devotion to...
[31 Oct 2013 | Автор  ]

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